Hard Times, Positive Attitude

I'm only going to say this once, Coronavirus. This is affecting all ends of the earth right now and it is scary. I have decided for my sanity to refrain from looking at social media too much as it just makes me anxious. I have glanced here and there and I have posted on my stories but that is me opening Instagram, post a story and close! I was finding myself going down the rabbit hole and didn't like the feeling of reading everyone's opinion. What if we all decided to do the same? Not be on social media for one week. We can still watch the news for information and read the paper. Just like the "olden days" as my kids would say.

My family took an amazing trip to Cabo for Spring Break and while we were away things really started getting crazy. I am so grateful that we were able to have a beautiful and fun getaway for a week before we were forced to have tons of home time.

My time at home is going to be about getting things done! As you know I had painted our master bedroom and I had started on our office/guest room. My long term plan to paint the whole house may now be done sooner than later! I am using the Dunn Edwards color Fossil. I know my satisfaction level is going to be very high getting this all done! LOL.

I have also wanted to paint the door leading into the house from the garage as well as our front door which is pretty worn looking. I'll be using the color Tricorn by Sherwin Williams. This color is amazing on doors and with the trend being a lot of black and white, more organic look, the doors will look great against my new white painted walls.
These projects are great for the kids to help with too!  That is all IF my OCD doesn't come through and I cringe the whole time and then just take over.  These times will be a great test to our restraints and keeping calm in all aspects!

Alex and I did post a schedule for the kids to follow.  While we said it is not strict, we for sure are going to use it as a guideline.  I for sure thrive on routine as I know the kids do.  I hope to be able to show you what we are up and I hopefully it will spark some ideas for you as well.  And leave me a comment and let me know what you are up to as well!

I'll leave you with this quote:

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

~Mr. Rogers


~ Marie